Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Sinhala Epistle" Android SMS Application

What is "Sinhala Epistle"?

Sinhala Epistle is a SMS application developed to run on android 2.1 and above platforms.It can handle all your SMS messages in sinhala language including read inbox messages in Sinhala and Send messages in Sinhala. It has the access to your default inbox and display mesaages in sinhala.

Sinhala On Android?

Recently Android became the most popular operating system for mobile devices. But unfortunately as Sri Lankans we were unable to experience Sinhala on Android based devices.
This is how the text is originally displayed in android applications.
The problem we faced while developing the application was it was really hard to render sinhala words correctly. Though we were able to introduce sinhala into application level(Not the browser level) In earlier versions we faced difficulties in rendering problems. We saw Dhanika has developed a font and a algorithm to render sinhala in a web browser called SETT.
Using the font and the algorithm used in SETT browser we finally able to put up an SMS application with full functionality to all SMS needs in application level.

Here are some of the screen shots of Sinhala Epistle Application.
Start Application

Compose new SMS
Received a new sms
Quick reply option
Quick reply is sent
Access the inbox read messages in sinhala
Sinhala view of inbox messages
Option to enable Sinhala preview
Singlish word map

Features in our application
* English to Sinhala (singlish) Translation with proper rendering
* Send SMS in sinhala 
* Receive SMS in Sinhala
* Read inbox in Sinhala
* Quick reply Option

Download Application Mediafire Link 

Future Work

In future we are focusing to touch the system level and put sinhala on future android releases. Hope you enjoy the application and your comments are warmly welcome....

Developed by
Aruna Sujith Karunarathna
Kalindu Nawarathna


  1. Hi, it's so nice to see that you've come up with a new Sinhala enabled app on Android using the font & the algo I developed. Congratz for both of you!

    BTW you haven't mentioned about the license of your app or weather your app is open-source or not. Please note that since I've licensed SETT Browser & all its modules including the font & the algo under the GNU GPL v3 license, anyone who uses those modules for their products should also release their code under the same license. So I hope your code will also be available open-source under the same license.

    Wish you all the best for future projects!

  2. maxxa work guys,keep it up.
    i made a sinhala input layout based on wijesekara on hackerskeyboard.can you try to merge it with this,so we can type directly without using transliteration,


  3. @Dhanika
    Machan our project is also open source. We did this to contribute in a way that people use sinhala for their daily mesaging purposes.
    We didn't want just to grab your valuable work. We just used your algorithm since it has the
    proper rendering capabilities. We also mentioned your name that we took it from your work.

    We still can't relase the source code since it has to be modified. If there is an issue please comment as soon as possible.


    Thanks for your comment machan.. Yeah machn we saw your work even before we start doing this project.
    We are in our internship so it's really hard to corporate with our time. We'll sure look into your idea as soon as we get the oppertunity.


  4. great work mallila. Agree with Dhanika on licencing.
    good luck.

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